Samstag, 31. Januar 2009

Maroccco - Electric Furs

This song hit me on various levels, especially in combination with its brilliant name - electric furs. On the first look, the song sounds very furry to me (what of course has nothing to do with fur really)... like green mildew spreading across a very old sandwich... hearing the song is a bit like cuddeling up to such an old mildew skinned sandwich - "oh jeah my little sweety, there you are, good boy, hiding under the couch for so long... come to papa..." It is almost like the sound of spreading mildew - the mildew army is marching. I could very well imagine that (maybe with the help of one or another vorbidden substance) you could get very lost in this song an take your own skin for a ferry green mildew. But that has not really anything to do with fur, has it?
So what is the thing about fur? I had to think of a situation i have been in some days ago: I passed a couple on the streets. I could smell them before i even saw them comming: i would say cheap perfume, but probably it was expensive... anyway. You see these kinds of people all the time: a not to good looking man with a little too much styling gel in his hair, wearing expensive clothes, a heavy black coat .... and the woman a bit better looking, smelling like a perfumary... and if you are lucky, she is wearing a fur. "Oh Yeah, that´s it", you might think and walk the other way, and i usually do, but this time it was different: i had a real "for the first time"-experience here. I was stuck in this moment, where basically the smell and the picture of this heavy and thick coat made a certain kind of immpression on me. They seemed to fill in the space between me and the couple completly, the space you would not normally realize to be there. And this space seemed to hit me like a wall.

surface upgrades
if the outside that surrounds you becomes so strong... you don´t have to see the inside...
people blast their close surroundings, so they don´t have to look on the inside, on the real surface..... and they don´t think of all the things that have to die for the fur....
But that is surly not what an electric fur is about....
the next connotation that came to my mind was that the title of the song could have also been: Electric fury. One of the first pictures i had in my mind when i listened to the song was: laserswords....
the lasersabers cut the fur into peaces.... and at the end of the song, which i find surprisingly smooth and comfortable, al these peaces are free again and slowly gainiing consciousness, looking araound happily and stuff....

Still all of my thoughts had nothing to do with what made marroccco write this song.
I wonder how many of those guys i described one could talk into putting their tongue on a battery.... i guess not too many. But maybe it would remind them of what lies beneath the fur. Or maybe the feeling would permeate their fake fur like a thousand lasersaberstiches.... who knows.
In the end i guess we all need some sort of fur... and maybe i like the electric kind of fur every once in a while...

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